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Lesson 1

Represent decimal numbers in a variety of ways

Lesson 2

Place Value to 3 Decimal Places

Lesson 3

Multiply and divide by 10, 100 and 1000 involving decimals

Lesson 4

Multiply and divide by 10, 100 and 1000 with in context

Lesson 5

Understand the terms 'common factor' and 'common multiple' as properties of a number

Lesson 6

Identify properties of numbers

Lesson 7

Multiply a decimal number by a whole number

Lesson 8

Solve multiplication problems using known and derived facts

Lesson 9

Use efficient strategies to multiply numbers, including decimals

Lesson 10

Practise multiplication and division skills

Lesson 11

Use formal written methods for short multiplication including multiplying decimals

Lesson 12

Multiply by a two-digit number using long multiplication

Lesson 13

Use formal written methods, including long multiplication, to solve a range of problems

Lesson 14

Explore efficient mental strategies for division

Lesson 15

Use the formal written method for short division

Lesson 16

Use the formal written method of long division to solve appropriate calculations

Lesson 17

Solve problems involving division with remainders (Part 1)

Lesson 18

Solve problems involving division with remainders (Part 2)

Lesson 19

Represent remainders in different ways depending on the context of the problem (Part 1)

Lesson 20

Represent remainders in different ways depending on the context of the problem (Part 2)