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Lesson 1

To build knowledge of the historical context of the unit

Lesson 2

To investigate suffixes: Plurals

Lesson 3

To identify the features of a diary entry

Lesson 4

To generate vocabulary: Emotions

Lesson 5

To develop a rich understanding of words associated with feeling stressed or scared

Lesson 6

To explore fronted adverbials

Lesson 7

To practise and apply knowledge of suffixes: Plurals, including test

Lesson 8

To write the opening of a diary entry

Lesson 9

To plan the main body of my diary entry

Lesson 10

To write the main body of a diary entry

Lesson 11

To identify the features of a letter

Lesson 12

To investigate suffixes: -le -el -al -il

Lesson 13

To explore non-finite subordinate clauses

Lesson 14

To further build knowledge of the historical context of the unit

Lesson 15

To develop a rich understanding of words associated with feeling hopeful

Lesson 16

To generate vocabulary

Lesson 17

To investigate suffixes: -le -el - al -il including test

Lesson 18

To write the opening of a letter

Lesson 19

To plan the main body of my letter

Lesson 20

To write the main body of my letter (Part 1)

Lesson 21

To write the main body of my letter (Part 2)

Lesson 22

To plan and write the closing of a letter

Lesson 23

To edit our letter

Lesson 24

To research the positive impact of the Windrush community on modern Britain

Lesson 25

To develop reading for pleasure through personal reflection